BLIC Berlin
Rheinstr. 45
Rise/Aufgang 6
12161 Berlin
T: +49 30 859540 0
F: +49 30 859540 99
Contact Person BLIC Berlin
Christian Landrock
T: +49 30 859540 42
With a motivated team, we support transport companies, public transport authorities and other stakeholders on highly topical and future-oriented issues such as networked systems, digitalisation, ticketing, real-time data, passenger information and electromobility.
Working students
Career starters
Project manager
Executive employees
BLIC is an international consulting company for public transport and future mobility. For over 30 years, we have been advising transport associations, companies, ministries and local authorities on the digitalization of public transport, improving transport services and reliability and increasing efficiency and automation.
We are looking for employees who fit in with us both professionally and personally and who can contribute new ideas. As an “owned by management” company, we attach great importance to the close connection between corporate goals and individual success. Our interdisciplinary team works closely with users, customers and the industry.
We promote the personal impact of our employees while remaining true to our philosophy. Our successful team is growing both nationally and internationally and is happy to take on new challenges.
BLIC has an onboarding process lasting up to six months, in which new BLICies are accompanied by an experienced BLICie. During this process, all BLIC processes and, if necessary, the necessary introduction to specialist topics are taught in order to enable a direct start to the project work.
Rheinstr. 45
Rise/Aufgang 6
12161 Berlin
T: +49 30 859540 0
F: +49 30 859540 99
Contact Person BLIC Berlin
Christian Landrock
T: +49 30 859540 42
Steintorwall 10
38100 Braunschweig
T: +49 30 859540 0
F: +49 30 859540 99
Contact Person BLIC Braunschweig
Gustav Thiesing
T: +49 0531 88 686 11
Fritz-Vomfelde-Str. 6
40547 Düsseldorf (Lörick)
T: +49 211 179389 11
F: +49 30 859540 99
Contact Person BLIC Düsseldorf
Andreas Schrei
T: +49 211 179389 20
Stadtdeich 2-4
20097 Hamburg
T: +49 30 859540 0
F: +49 30 859540 99
Contact Person BLIC Hamburg
Philipp Bartz
T: +49 40 534 5991 33
Durlacher Allee 73
76131 Karlsruhe
T: +49 30 859540 0
F: +49 30 859540 99
Contact Person BLIC Karlsruhe
Jörn Janecke
T: +49 30 8595 40 10
Georgiring 3
Entrance: Schützenstr. 2
04103 Leipzig
T: +49 30 859540 0
F: +49 30 859540 99
Contact Person BLIC Leipzig
Carsten Lement
T: +49 30 859540 70
Gampenstr. 88
39012 Meran
T: +49 30 859540 0
F: +49 30 859540 99
Contact Person BLIC South Tyrol Meran
Christian Landrock
T: +49 30 859540 42
At BLIC, you have the great opportunity to familiarise yourself with various topics (with a focus on IT in public transport) and take on tasks and can draw on a strong network with many experts.
Because of the always exciting different projects (in the area of public transport). No two are the same!
At BLIC, I have the opportunity to expand my interest and knowledge of public transport in a wide variety of areas. Every project has its own challenges, which makes the work so incredibly exciting.
If you are interested in transport and transport technology, BLIC offers you the opportunity to participate in a wide range of projects that would never be possible with a single transport company.
At BLIC, I can play an active role in shaping the future. With my work, I am helping to drive forward environmentally friendly mobility - for a better future that benefits us all.
I felt totally at home here from day 1 and learnt a lot through the exciting tasks. I have definitely found my dream job through my internship!
At BLIC, I can play an active role in shaping the future. With my work, I am helping to drive forward environmentally friendly mobility - for a better future that benefits us all.
The great strength of BLIC is the dynamic working environment, in which even as a newcomer you work on projects at "eye level" and have a great interactive exchange with your colleagues
At BLIC, collegiality and a flat hierarchy are not just claimed, they are practised. There are few companies where this kind of interaction can be found
The good cooperation. Whether student, PL or GF, we are all BLICies who treat each other openly and honestly.
BLIC offers everyone the chance to develop in their own way. Everyone can work on and carry out tasks and projects in their own way.
At BLIC, people take centre stage. Openness, appreciation and fairness characterise our culture. It's fun to be part of the BLIC team.