Implementation of D-Ticket and subscription management in koveb's existing system landscape

Public transport
Transport management and mobility

Service description

In recent years, koveb has introduced an ITCS and fare management system from IVU Traffic Technologies AG. As part of the completion of the overall system and parallel to the relocation of the central software systems to a new data centre, the short-term implementation of the D-ticket became necessary due to the political framework conditions.

For this purpose, the IVU.fare sales background system was supplemented with subscription management functions and the procurement of additional chip cards for issuing D-tickets was accelerated. In doing so, it was possible to build in part on the experience of the VDV-KA ticketing functions already in use at koveb.

Project description

Consultancy services for the specification and implementation of additional functions for issuing and checking D-tickets in the existing overall system

Your contact person

BLIC Sekretariat

T:+49 30 859540-99

Project period: 11.2022 until 05.2023