Implementation of depot and charging infrastructure - Starnberg district
Public transport
Transport management and mobility
Project description
Development of a modular depot concept for electric buses for implementation in the district of Starnberg.
Service description
- Determination of the required charging infrastructure including the technical requirements
- Rough calculation of the required electrical connected load
- Development of an optimal layout (area zoning, parking areas, workshop and service buildings)
- Compilation of the quantity structure
- Estimation of the total costs using unit prices and cubatures
- Qualitative presentation of options for increasing the sustainability and environmental friendliness of a bus depot, e.g. through the production of renewable energies, electricity storage options, waste heat utilisation, energy-efficient construction.
Your contact person
Philipp Bartz
T:+49 30 859540-99
Project period: 02.2021 until 02.2022